作者:集美阿尔勒摄影节 2017 年集美阿尔勒国际 摄影 季展览项目揭晓!2017 JIMEI x ARLES INTERNATIONAL PHOTO FESTIVALPROGRAMME ANNOUNCED! 第三届集美阿尔勒国际摄影季将于2017年11月25日至2018年1月3日在厦门(中国南部)举办。摄影季由著名国际摄影节阿
第三届集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季将于2017年11月25日至2018年1月3日在厦门(中国南部)举办。摄影季由著名国际摄影节阿尔勒摄影节(法国)主席萨姆·斯道兹和中国当代摄影艺术家荣荣(中国第一家专业摄影艺术中心三影堂摄影艺术中心创始人 www.threeshadows.cn)联合发起,集美·阿尔勒摄影季将展示从阿尔勒摄影节(www.rencontres-arles.com)中精选出的国际艺术家,以及中国和亚洲摄影人才的艺术作品。自2015年创立以来,摄影季已吸引了10万多名观众。2017年,两位发起人特邀黎静(Bérénice Angremy, Doors 门艺 Art & Culture Agency www.doors-agency.com)担任第三届集美·阿尔勒摄影季总监,她曾是大山子国际艺术节(2004-2007)和草场地摄影之春-阿尔勒在北京(2010-2012)联合发起人,并曾担任法国驻华大使馆文化专员。
The third Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival will take place in Xiamen (south of China) from November 25, 2017 to January 3, 2018. Co-created by Sam Stourdzé, the director of famous international photo festival Rencontres d’Arles (France), and Chinese photographer RongRong (also the founder of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (www.threeshadows.cn), first professional art center in China dedicated to photography), Jimei x Arles features international artists selected from Rencontres d’Arles (www.rencontresarles.com) alongside Chinese and Asian photography talents. The festival has attracted more than 100,000 visitors since its inception in 2015. In 2017, the two founders of the Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival appointed Bérénice Angremy as festival director (Doors Art & Culture Agency www.doors-agency.com), co-founder of art festivals DIAF (2004-2007) and Caochangdi Photospring – Arles in Beijing (2010-2012), and former cultural attaché at the French embassy in China (2012-2017).
2017年摄影季将会展出来自英国,美国,法国,伊朗,西班牙,荷兰,印度尼西亚以及中国的150多位艺术家的作品。摄影季将通过多场与中国年轻摄影师及策展人联合呈现的展览,再次重申为中国新锐摄影提供一个平台的宗旨。 2017年集美·阿尔勒的21场展览将见证摄影方法和实践的多样性,具体将包括:
▼4场“中国律动”单元展览,由中国年轻策展人或中国摄影专家策划:《To be an image maker》(贺婧策展),《BrokenIce: 160118-170811》(鲁小本策展),《幻痛诊所》(沈宸策展),《行踪不定》(杜曦云策展)。
蔬菜,丝瓜,辣椒。”- “我自打出生就在这儿。”
BrokenIce,160421, Yu Shu Er Tiao- I‘m still going to school, where I make bracelets and necklaces with beads,and where I knit horses and soap holders. There’s art as well. We do brush paintings. I paint vegetables such as luffas and peppers;- I‘ve been living in this neighborhood since I was born.
▼ 中国摄影大师汪芜生个展。
© 汪芜生,黄山系列,A104 W49,1984年,版权所有:三影堂+3画廊
© WANG WUSHENG, Mount Huangshan Series A104 W49, 1984.
Courtesy of Three Shadows + 3 Gallery
▼ “藏家故事”单元展览:展览将展出一位中国收藏家的珍贵藏品。
集美·阿尔勒旨在加强其作为亚洲摄影平台的角色。 在丰富的展览项 目之外,开幕周期间(11月25日至12月2日)还将举办一系列面向 摄影专业人士,艺术爱好者和公众的活动:摄影书市,专家见面会, 摄影研讨课,“阿尔勒年度之夜”,大学讲座,讨论会,艺术表演和 导览。通过联动厦门集美区的两个主要场馆和城市跨区域空间,摄影 季意在连接和带动分隔开的文化区域与空间,在整个城市内接续和传 播不同的艺术形式。
左:王拓, 《奠飨赋》, 2016年, 单频4k影像, 27秒26 右:冯立, 《白夜》, 2017
Left: Wang Tuo, Meditation on Disappointing Reading, 2016, Single channel 4k video, 27’26 Right: Feng Li, White Night series, 2017
The 2017 festival will boast the works of more than 150 artists from the UK, United States, France, Iran, Spain, the Netherlands, Indonesia, and of course China. The festival’s aim of providing a platform for new Chinese photography has once again been re-affirmed with several exhibitions showcasing young Chinese photographers and curators. The 21 exhibitions of 2017 Jimei x Arles attest to the diversity of photographic approaches and practices, and will include:
▲8 exhibitions from Rencontres d’Arles 2017: Early Works by Joel Meyerowitz, Superfacial by Audrey Tautou, The Gorgans by Mathieu Pernot, Iran: Year 38 with 66 Iranian photographers, Stories of the Immediate Present by the Spanish collective Blank Paper, Retracing Our Steps, Fukushima Exclusion Zone - 2011-2016 by New Discovery Award Winners – Carlos Ayesta & Guillaume Bression (presented by Le 247 gallery), The Parallele State by New Discovery Award Nominee – Guy Martin (presented by nineteensixtyeight Gallery), The 2017 Book Awards;
左:胡为一,《我静静地等待光从身体穿过》,2014年 右:蔡东东,《风景》之一,2015年 Left: Hu Weiyi, Flirt series, 2014 Right: Cai Dongdong, Landscape #1, 2015
▲4 China Pulse exhibitions curated by young Chinese curators and China photography specialists: Uncertain Traces (curated by Du Xiyun), To be an image maker (curated by He Jing), BrokenIce: 160118-170811 (curated by Ruben Lundgren), Phantom Pain Clinic (curated by Shen Chen);
▲10 Jimei x Arles Discovery Award nominees picked by five young curators: Guo Yingguang and Jiang Yuxin (curated by He Yining), Shao Wenhuan and Yu Mo (curated by Liu Tian), Deng Yun and the real (curated by Nie Xiaoyi), Yu Feifei and Siu Wai Hang (curated by Tang Zehui), Feng Li and Sun Yanchu (curated by Thomas Sauvin). The winner of the 2017 Jimei x Arles Discovery Award will be awarded a 200,000 RMB prize and an exhibition in 2018 Rencontres d’Arles;
▲Local Action exhibitions curated by Xiamen curators Chen Wei (After the Ebb) and Wang Qi (Social
▲A solo show of Chinese photography master Wang Wusheng;
▲2 Greetings From Indonesia exhibitions showcasing the vitality of contemporary Indonesian photography;
▲A Collector’s Tale exhibition showing a prominent Chinese photo collector’s treasures.
Jimei x Arles aims at strengthening its role as a platform for photography in Asia. Along with the exhibition program, a number of events are organized for photography professionals, art lovers and the public during the Opening Week (November 25 - December 2nd): the Photobook fair, the Photo Folio Review, a Photography Seminar, the ‘Arles Night of the Year’, university lectures, discussion panels, art performances and guided tours. With two main sites in Xiamen’s Jimei District and several other sites in the city, the festival aims to connect and animate separated cultural areas and spaces,to relay and promulgate different art forms through the city.
集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季由集美区政府支持,三影堂摄影艺术中心和厦门市天下集美文广传媒有限公司联合主办。 Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival is co-produced by Xiamen’s Jimei District and Three Shadows Photography Art Centre.